Mental Health Matters: Let’s Talk Anxiety
Mental Health Awareness week runs from 15th to 21st May in the UK, a time to raise awareness and break the stigma surrounding mental health issues. This year’s theme is anxiety, a common mental health concern affecting millions worldwide. Anxiety disorders can be debilitating, affecting a person’s ability to function in their daily life. However,…

When Sleep is Elusive
Many people experience sleep difficulties at some point in their lives. It can be terribly unpleasant to lie awake for hours, tossing and turning—it leaves us feeling exhausted and unwell. Conversely, when we sleep well, it can make us feel ten years younger. Good sleep is vital to a person’s wellbeing, and every day, scientists…

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
What OCD? OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) is an anxiety disorder, characterised by recurrent, persistent thoughts (‘obsessions’), and/or the presence of repetitive behaviours that one feels compelled to carry out (‘compulsions’). People with OCD will often relate to experiencing intensely negative intrusive thoughts or images, combined with feelings of doubt or danger, or feeling excessively responsible…

The Power of Daily Intention Setting
“…Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything” – George Bernard Shaw Any change that we want to make in our lives requires adopting a different mindset. Whether it’s about overcoming self-limiting beliefs, building resilience or grit, or learning how to thrive, the change process involves identifying what mindsets we need to adopt, and…

Dealing with Pandemic Fatigue
Are you feeling more exhausted, overwhelmed, anxious, or down than usual? Maybe you find that you are irritable, angry, withdrawn, or bored. You are not alone. We are living through a disaster, both natural and human-caused. I speak not only of COVID-19 but of the mental and physical health issues associated with the ‘new normal’…

Do I Have OCD?
Do I Have OCD? Have your hands been feeling a bit dry and rough lately from washing your hands more often? Or have you made your 5th trip to the shops already this week to stock up on hand sanitizer and cleaning products? Since the news of Covid-19 spread across the globe, contamination fears have…